Projection Design

“Projection Design” offers a hands-on approach to the design, planning and execution of digital projections in a variety of performance spaces by using a combination of industry standard and open source research software tools. This blog will serve as an online text for the developing book, "Technical Ecstasy" and link for the web-readings, online tutorials,software resources historical examples, video art and performance examples and essential class communications for Projection Design class taught by Patrick Pagano

Monday, September 29, 2008


The thing that interests me the most about VJing is how it has taken so many different art forms and combined them to make something new.  As a musician, the connection to music is what intrigues me the most.  Before taking this class, my musical paradigm didn't allow for non-auditory aspects of a performance to be considered music.  But after reading this article on VJ theory, I see that this is just not so.  Especially in a live performance atmosphere where improvisation is a key aspect of the performance.  In the rave culture, this is especially prominent.  With DJs mixing their music based off of the feel of the atmosphere, the VJ is having a direct input into what the DJ produces.  I'm not going to lie to you.  Chemical influences have taught me to appreciate and relish in synesthesia.  To me, VJing is like the ultimate artistic response to that phenomena.  By pulling influences and sources from still images, music, moving images and even architecture, VJing is like the synesthesia of art, and there couldn't be anything more beautiful than that.

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