Projection Design

“Projection Design” offers a hands-on approach to the design, planning and execution of digital projections in a variety of performance spaces by using a combination of industry standard and open source research software tools. This blog will serve as an online text for the developing book, "Technical Ecstasy" and link for the web-readings, online tutorials,software resources historical examples, video art and performance examples and essential class communications for Projection Design class taught by Patrick Pagano

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

From DJ to VJ

In the article, "VJ scene: Spaces with audiovisual score" by Patricia Moran, gives meaning to the word VJ and how it has evolved to become a new immerse experience. These such projections have formed a reality in which environments and three-dimensional worlds come to life in different venues all over the world. This creates virtual realities and space beyond the 2-dimensional wall it's being projected on. It's amazing to see what professional VJs create; vast and beautiful landscapes and abstract lighting right at their finger tips. The abstract art in itself gives the audience a perspective most have never seen before in real life. Many of the art today produced by projection designers is quite amazing. The artistic projections on buildings, for example, are so realistic that it almost seems as if the building and the projection have merged as one in real-time. This is the beauty of the visual jockey; that one can create a whole new environment to immerse its audience in; It's like real time visual effects. It's amazing to see what projection can do with the mind by creating a visually stunning 3-D reality.

Here's an example of "concept" projection on static buildings:

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