Projection Design

“Projection Design” offers a hands-on approach to the design, planning and execution of digital projections in a variety of performance spaces by using a combination of industry standard and open source research software tools. This blog will serve as an online text for the developing book, "Technical Ecstasy" and link for the web-readings, online tutorials,software resources historical examples, video art and performance examples and essential class communications for Projection Design class taught by Patrick Pagano

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Blob and Motion

Blob tracking is defined as "mathematical methods that are aimed at detecting regions in a digital image that differ in properties". What I understand from my experience with playing it with is that an image of my creation or choice is projected in such a way based on it's 'mathematical' interaction with a live broadcast.

Motion tracking is defined as the insertion of computer graphics into live-action footage with correct position, scale, orientation, and motion relative to the photographed objects in the shot. Which again, my understanding is similar to the of what the Kinect for the Xbox accomplishes.

Here's a video representation of the two:


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