1. Blog Post: review a Stan Brakhage, Man Ray, etc. video of your choosing and blog about it.
2. Tutorials: move forward with jitter tutorials 11–20.
3. Homework: Video Mixer Patch (due Thursday, 25 Sept 2014)
- Build a clip library from Video Pong and Prelinger Archives
- at least 2 clips made from Prelinger content
- 2 folders (folder A / folder B), with 5 videos in each
- Add a pop-up menu (umenu) which can be populated via 2 dropfile objects (drag-and-drop zones)
- Create an A / B video mixer
- Use jit.chromakey and the suckah to blend the videos
- Apply a (jit.freeframe) effect to the blended video
- Send the output out to patcher window (jit.pwindow)
- Send the output out to the display window (needs to support full screen)
- You will be VJ'ing your patcher with a song of your choosing*
- *Please note: The Verve's Bitter Sweet Symphony is not allowed
4. Homework extra credit:
- Make the patcher react to sound
- Make the composited image map onto a 3D model (similar to Pd patch)
- Comment, color code, and make your patcher very clean
- Make the effects toggle-able with on/off switches
- Use jit.brcosa and other image modification objects
- Add MIDI controls
- Explore usage of jit.op
- Mac users only: add AUVI effects
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