As I roamed the forums on Cycling '74 for a project to mess around with, I found a simple drum machine. I figured I'd start small just to get my feet wet. The project was named Probability Audio Drum Machine, created by Yiannis Ioannides for free use. The UI was very easy to understand, and he even set up some comments on the lower side that shared basic controls for the program. Attached here, I've put up a short demo that I recorded from my laptop. Apparently, OBS has the microphone on by default, so you may hear my TV in the background.
Patrick Pagano - Large Scale Graphics Research
Projection Design
“Projection Design” offers a hands-on approach to the design, planning and execution of digital projections in a variety of performance spaces by using a combination of industry standard and open source research software tools. This blog will serve as an online text for the developing book, "Technical Ecstasy" and link for the web-readings, online tutorials,software resources historical examples, video art and performance examples and essential class communications for Projection Design class taught by Patrick Pagano
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