Projection Design

“Projection Design” offers a hands-on approach to the design, planning and execution of digital projections in a variety of performance spaces by using a combination of industry standard and open source research software tools. This blog will serve as an online text for the developing book, "Technical Ecstasy" and link for the web-readings, online tutorials,software resources historical examples, video art and performance examples and essential class communications for Projection Design class taught by Patrick Pagano

Thursday, January 30, 2014

1/28 Class Blog

Hey class,
Sorry it took me two days to get this up -- we dance majors have a show coming up and rehearsals have been wild. Anyway, here are the notes I took during class along with some vocabulary and the homework assignments. Comment if I left anything out or unexplained. Have a great week!

Covered in class:
Web browser that does the alpha channeling for us; we’re playing with alpha in real-time
--Google "UVisual" > Choose the Kharkov link > Click the 1st row for practice in making your own montages
>>Start montage, hit space to pause, take and save screenshots

RAM Dance
--Google “RAM dance” > click the first search result (RAM Dance Toolkit) > Scroll to bottom, click "github wiki" link > Scroll down, download and install the RAMdance Toolkit Application for your OS

--Video source>movie player>drag into space
--Video renderer>projector>connect first dots of each box
--Open Isadora example
--Output>force stage preview
**Spacebar goes to the next scene
**Media go into bins (film used to come in canisters called bins)

To register for Isadora: (this will allow you to start saving your projects) 
Username: University Of Florida, Digital Worlds Institute
Password: present-wire
Serial number: 00823

See Pat about your individual license when you meet to discuss your midterm

1. Create a Flickr account, take as many pictures as you can/like and tag them with your name so that you can pull them up on UVisual next week and display your pictures
2. E-mail Pat about “Control Space” if you're going to be in town and are interested (the Summer B installation he talked about in class)
3. E-mail and set up a meeting with Pat to discuss midterm groups, concepts, and for Mac users, Isadora licensing 
4. Watch and follow along with Isadora tutorials 1 and 2
5. Each midterm group: find and save 10 panoramic photos for next week's class (use to find them)
6. Find 3-4 minute piece of music
7. Download the free version of Manycam if you haven't already (the virtual camera we used for recording photo monstages)
8. Sign up for Videopong if you haven't already
- ^Find at least 3-4 videos (or make them): 30-60 seconds long
** Use .MOV Quicktime files only, use Photo Jpeg codec (the codec is called Photo Jpeg) We use .PNG codec for photo because it uses alpha; we use Photo Jpeg codec for video because it turns every frame into a viewable still photo; it's also compatible with everything (Windows, Mac, Linux)
9. Write down and google your OpenGL info, read about it
WINDOWS: Edit>Preferences>Video tab
MAC: IsadoraCore>Preferences>Video tab 
     10.  MAC USERS ONLY:
      a. Google and download the Hap Codec (the new generation of video codec: pushes everything onto the GPU for faster processing)
b. Google and read about Syphon
c. Blog about one of the two

- Exceptions can be made as long as the video doesn't stutter, lag, etc.
- You can look at the file in Isadora to see which codec works

API – Advanced Program Interface
Reve - Research Education Visualization Environment; “dream” in French
Luminence Key - two movies are combined where the darkness of one movie is replaced by the lightness of another
>>chroma key (color key): blue/green
>>luma key: black/white
HSL - hue, saturation, light
Codec -  compression/decompression; encoding/decoding, therefore “co-dec”

**VOCABULARY QUIZ: Tuesday, February 11th in class**
25 questions

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